Getting started with GameMaker, especially at home, can be rough. I remember being so intimidated when I showed up to my coding group/class on the first day without taking a coding class and with almost no experience with GameMaker. Our class was filled with boys who it have been coding all of their lives (or so it seemed) and have already made several games. That terrifying first day motivated me to learn how to create games at home. Here are some tips that made me, three months later, a little bit better at using GameMaker.
1. Learn a programming language. There are tons of programming languages out there like JavaScript, C++, and Python. I spent some of my summer learning JavaScript through Khan academy prior to using GameMaker. I highly recommend checking out Khan academy's programming course. Not only is it super fun, but the course is very well laid out and has interactive mini games to create along the way. You don't need to master the language, but it is good to get some exposure to basic coding before you dive right in to GameMaker. GameMaker has its own language called "game maker language" (very creative I know), but it is similar enough to other programming languages like Java that you will be able to understand the basics when you make the switch. https://www.khanacademy.org/computing/computer-programming
2. Follow a tutorial. Online tutorials are a great way to learn from an experienced game creator and understand their flow. There are some good tutorials on GameMaker itself, but you can also find others on YouTube like how to make this cute dinosaur game ().
3. Write down your mistakes. Personally, I find it helpful keep a journal of what I messed up and how I solved it as I create a game. Whenever I stumble across another bug or glitch I can look back at some of my common mistakes.
4. Practice. This is one of those stupid stereotypical bullet points that everyone includes, but you know what, I'm going to include it (also I'm running out of things to say). I remember being frustrated how long it took me to make a space rocks game from a tutorial. It took about 1-2 weeks (I wasn't super motivated so that could also be part of it). Just stick with it, it will get easier.
Anyway this is really long so I'm going to stop writing. Have a lovely day and good luck!