(Here is a sneak peak of our character select. Also no it's not a video, it's a screenshot.)
Our game is due in about 2 weeks so we are trying to wrap up things up. We are not sure whether to include the Arielle easter egg because we are worried it is copyrighted. Even though the character wasn't traced and Paige adapted it to fit her art style, it might resemble too closely to the disney version.
Anyway, we have divided up the remaining work like so~
Phoebe- finish coding/ fixing bugs
Claire and Emma- create the videos for the OGPC submission
Paige- create a digital game poster
It's been hard to keep working on the game while social distancing because we have been having some issues with github (so now I am only working on my computer because Claire can't open the version I'm working on). However, we have been facetiming and texting to finish our game. Hopefully it all works out, it will be a big stress relief when we finally submit our game.
I am very glad they are still doing the contest this year because we have put so much work into our game! I am also excited to also see what other groups have been working on.