Diver City
We are proud to announce our new game called Diver City. It is an adventure/slider game where you try to collect trash along the way to help keep the ocean clean. You can try our game by clicking on this link (please note this version has a score glitch and the background music doesn't work. If you want the better and official version go to the OGPC website and download our zip version)

Our game is competing in the Oregon Game Project Challenge (OGPC). The theme for this year is diverse. Our goal is to create a game that shows the human impact on ocean diversity. When you pause the game you will be able to learn new facts about the ocean! We also incorporate the theme by having a diverse amount of characters to choose from.
How to Play
The goal of the game is to try to travel the furthest and collect as much trash as you can. Jump over the jellyfish or you will get stung and have to restart. Use your space bar or up arrow to jump! You can unlock new characters by completing achievements. Also, don't forget to turn your sound on for music and sound effects!
collect trash

avoid jellyfish and squid

About Us
Hi there from the creators of Diver Dash! We are a group of girls at Skyview High School learning to code. It is our first time ever creating a game and we are learning a lot along the way.
Meet The Team

Paige B.
I’m the lead art director, and one of the artist. I enjoy drawing and Star Wars.
Emma F.
Hi! I'm the assistant artist and one of the coders for our game. I love playing softball, playing piano, and painting.
Claire R.
I'm the student lead for our team by managing our team and goals. I also am our coding lead.

Phoebe A.
Hello! I'm the website designer and one of the coders for our game. I also enjoy playing the violin and running.