Lets keep our planet clean!
The ocean takes up over 70% of our earth's surface, so why wouldn't we take care of something so huge with such an abundant amount of life? The ocean is vital to our survival, in ways we may not expect. Half of our oxygen comes from the ocean, 1/6 the animal protein people eat, and the ocean helps absorb an enormous amount of carbon dioxide from the air. We depend on the oceans for our economy, health, and travel. About 1/3 of the earth's population lives in a coastal area. However, especially in the last 100 years, we have put our ocean in danger from increased carbon dioxide emissions, overfishing, introduction of invasive species, litter, among many other things.
We need to protect our oceans not only in the interest of ourselves, but also for plants and animals. In order to do this we need to take in more consideration of our actions and their impacts on our planet. There is so much to do, and it would be impossible to write it all. But we need to be able to refuse things we don't need so they don't end up in our environment later. We need to stop using single use plastics and bring our own to go mugs, cutlery, and to go containers. We need to buy as many things used, so we won't buy more things and more things won't end up in the landfill. Finally, we need to start making our decisions based on the future, not the present. With your help we can make our planet and future brighter. Let's work together to bring real change and encourage others to do the same.
"Less than 5% of plastic is recycled worldwide."