Yep, it's that wonderful time of year. I personally love the holiday season because it means more time with family, friends, and also there is no school (yay!). So here are some ways to still have a wonderful time without damaging the planet.
1. Give the gift of experiences, not things. We are often in a consumerist mindset that buying a tangible object is the best way to give. Although that can be the easier option sometimes, for the most part your gift will be thrown away soon or just create more clutter if it isn't something the actually person needs. The more things thrown away, the more likely it will end up in the environment and later, the ocean.
2. Wrap your gifts with newspaper. Doing this reuses your newspaper that would normally go to the landfill. Just make sure you take all the tape off when you before you recycle! You can also make it cute by adding a spring of rosemary or a branch with berries. If you do chose to go the traditional route instead or using newspaper, be sure to reuse your ribbon, wrapping paper, and bows!
3. Bring your own to-go cups and cutlery. It's cold out so sometimes it is good to treat yourself to a warm drink. However, most cafes give out disposible cups. This is a bummer because the cup you will use for only 15 minutes will be trashed and stay in the environment for about 30 years. These cups also can't be recycled because they have a plastic lining. Most cafes serve ceramic mugs if you ask inside or you can bring your own to go cup. The same goes for if you want food. You can always keep a set of low quality metal silverware instead of using disposible plastic ones provided. A plastic utensil can take about 1,000 years to decompose (source: https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/2019/06/carrying-your-own-fork-spoon-help-plastic-crisis/).
4. Bring your own bags for holiday shopping. Enough said. Plastic bags suck.
5. Give the gift of homemade. Most things we buy have plastic in them or in their packaging. Homemade gifts reduce the amount of plastic used to create them (because you are making them and not a machine). Some ideas of a homemade gift is cookies, artwork, a sewing project, a piece of poetry, or a game you coded. Get creative!